24th ASEAN Energy Business Forum (AEBF-24) held an Information Session in Jakarta

Photo 1. Group Photo of AEBF-24 Information Session Participant

On 7 May 2024, the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) conducted an Information Session for the 24th ASEAN Energy Business Forum (AEBF-24) at JS Luwansa Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia. The session was held to introduce AEBF and share AEBF-24 updates to the invited participants. It was conducted with the support of PT. Dyandra Promosindo as the co-organiser of AEBF-24.

Photo 2. Beni Suryadi, Manager at ACE, delivered his remarks and presentation on ASEAN’s energy landscape

The session began with an opening remark by Beni Suryadi,  at ACE. In his remarks, he emphasised the importance of collaboration between government, private sectors, associations, institutions, organisations, and academia to achieve energy security.. He then mentioned that AEBF-24 will serve as a platform to enhance the development of ASEAN energy sector through regional cooperation.

He then continued to present about ASEAN energy landscape, highlighting the projection for energy demand and supply will increase up to 3 and 4 times, respectively. Thus, the region still have lots of potential to explore, such as in enhancing regional market cooperation through the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) and Renewable Energy certificate.

Photo 3. Syahira Syahputri, Business Development Officer at ACE, delivered her presentation on AEBF-24

Syahira Syahputri, Business Development Officer at ACE, presented about the highlights from previous AEBF 2023. She conveyed that AEBF delivered ACE’s role as a catalyst to unify and strengthen ASEAN Energy Cooperation and Integration. She mentioned AEBF 2023 achievements which are successfully gathered 1.403 delegates and 240 speakers as well as moderators from 35 countries. AEBF 2023 was also supported by 65 sponsors, exhibitors, and partners.

Photo 4. Fachry Frisandi from the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) presented AEBF-24 topics

The session was continued by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), represented by Fachry Frisandi, Principal of BCG, serving as the official knowledge partner of AEBF-24. He explained the details of the upcoming AEBF-24, including the potential topics and its agendas. One of the interesting agenda is Ministers-CEOs dialogue. He also invited the participants to give feedback on the topics and express their interest for AEBF-24.

Photo 5. Sifa Rizka, Senior Project Officer at Dyandra Promosindo explained on the benefits of being AEBF-24 partners.

The session continued with partnership opportunities presented by Sifa Rizka, Senior Project Officer at PT. Dyandra Promosindo, explaining the partnership benefits for AEBF-24, including thought leadership, Southeast Asia brand recognition, marketing and media profiling, and networking and business development.

Photo 6. Dr. Andy Tirta, Head of CA at ACE, delivered his closing remarks.

The session was then concluded by a closing statement from Dr. Andy Tirta, Head of Corporate Affairs (CA) at ACE and the Chairman of AEBF-24. He hoped that the participants get more familiar with AEBF through the session and  concluded with encouraging the participants to take part of the AEBF-24 journey.