Expect ICT competent teachers to improve learning quality: ministry

We expect that with these competencies, teachers can share and collaborate with each other

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry has said that it expects teachers who complete the Communication and Informatics-Based Learning (PembaTIK) training to improve teacher quality and collaborations in their communities and regions.

“We expect that with these competencies, teachers can share and collaborate with each other,” secretary general of the ministry, Suharti, said at the opening of the online Class 4 year 2022 PembaTIK general lecture, which was followed from here on Tuesday.


The program is among the efforts made by the ministry’s Data and Information Center to improve teachers’ role in improving ICT competencies and adopting learning models based on ICT, she explained.


The “Freedom in Learning” program is encouraging a change in determining the best way to use learning methods, she noted. Thus, ICT must be used to create learning innovations that meet students’ needs.


Through the program, which pursued the theme of collaboration and transformation to extend the digital ecosystem to independent learning this year, it is expected that teachers will work hand in hand to sustain existing efforts to improve the quality of national education, Suharti added.

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“This program actually aims to improve the competence of teachers in mastering information and communication technology through the technical guidance provided,” she informed.


The ministry also expects the program to build relevant, innovative learning models that suit the needs of the participants and the needs of the present and future.


Suharti further said that the ministry will choose a Technology Ambassador to help mobilize other elements needed to increase the use of technology in learning.


The Technology Ambassador, who will be equipped with ICT skills, will be expected to contribute more to building a culture of using learning technology among teachers and the community so that learning becomes more relevant and effective.

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“For teachers at the level of sharing and collaborating who are candidates for national Technology Ambassadors, we expect for your contribution as a driving force for the use of ICT for learning, especially through technology platforms that have been developed by the Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry,” Suharti said.


The program, which has been initiated since 2017, follows the UNESCO classification, which involves a staged system of selection—Level 1: Literacy, Level 2: Implementation, Level 3: Creation, to Level 4: Sharing and Collaborating.


The number of teachers who took part in the program in 2022 stood at 29,539. The 30 best participants from each province were selected to participate in the “Sharing and Collaborating” level.

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