Indonesia’s SATRIA-1 Satellite Project Enters 68 Percent Completion

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta Director of the Telecommunication and Information Accessibility Agency (BAKTI) at the Communication and Informatics Ministry (Kominfo), Anang Latief, on Wednesday assured that the SATRIA-1 (Satellite of the Republic of Indonesia) project has been 68.3 percent complete and targeted to launch it into orbit in 2023. 

“The SATRIA-1 orbit will take the 146 E slot. The satellite is currently in the process of construction, that had been started in 2020, and is expected to finish in 2023,” said Anang on July 13. “In June 2022, the construction of the satellite has reached an accumulated 68.3 percent and is targetted to be operable in 2023’s IV quarter.”

Citing Antaranews, the satellite is a Government Multifunction Satellite (SMP) which has been realized using the Government and Business Entity Cooperation (PPP) financing method since 2019. The telecommunications services strengthened by SATRIA-1 are internet networks that are increasingly complementing digital infrastructure nationally, especially for public services in 3T areas (frontier, remote, and underdeveloped).

Anang said that SATRIA will serve around 150,000 public facilities which include educational facilities, local government, defense and security administration, and health facilities throughout Indonesia.

The satellite will have a capacity of 150 Gbps using High Throughput Satellite (HTS) technology with a Ka-Band frequency. The manufacturer of the SATRIA-1 project, Thales Alenia Space, uses a launcher from the Falcon 9-5500.


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