Jakarta Transportation Agency Employees Required to Ride Bicycles

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Jakarta Transportation Agency head Syafrin Liputo announced that employees working in the agency are required to commute to work by bicycle every Friday. 

“Today is the kick-off for the use of bicycles every Friday at the Jakarta Transportation Agency environment,” Syafrin said in an Instagram post via @dishubdkijakarta on Friday, August 26, 2022.

The regulation is overseen under the Jakarta Transportation Agency Head instruction No. e-0031/2022 on the use of bicycles for every employee in the agency. Syafrin also stated that the policy is intended to make use of the already available bike lanes. 

Stretching back to June 2021, Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan suggested private companies incentivize their employees who ride bicycles to commute to work. At the time, he suggested the incentives to be in the form of bicycle loans, insurance subsidies, or easing workers to conduct activities in offices. 

“To create added incentives to use bicycles,” said the governor at the Transportation Ministry back on June 4, 2021. 

The administration aims to establish 500 kilometers worth of bicycle lanes across the city, which is still far from the current achievement of 90 kilometers. During the World Bicycle Day celebration back in June 3, 2022, the governor also stated that the Jakarta administration plans to layout 250 kilometers of bike lanes by the end of this year.


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